
German Version

Our alumni website for your lasting course success!

Welcome to the IR English-language website! No matter how long ago your reading training took place – it is worth investing a few minutes in a quick exercise or a short reminder. It's like sports: the more your train, the better your results.

Calculate here how many reading time you’ll save with x hours of daily reading time and the degree of improvement you choose to achieve!

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Training advice

Continue right after the course! Here are our training tips for everyday life.

Forget self-discipline – use the power of routine instead! Here are some suggestions for exercises or techniques that you can conveniently incorporate into your everyday reading routine to save time – for lasting success, even beyond your results at the end of the course!

  • Fixation Exercise

    This exercise takes less than a minute, but immediately gets the eye and brain going!

  • Skimming 1x per day

    The crucial point in this exercise is: you are not "reading" now, but you are training fast and complete eye processes.

  • One technique per day

    You don't have to train for half an hour every day and have all new techniques on your mind at the same time! For the first few weeks after the course, we suggest that you consciously implement one course technique, once a day.

  • 2x fast rather than 1x slowly (difficult texts)

    How often have you experienced that you read a difficult technical text no matter how slowly and yet hardly understood anything? Make "a virtue out of necessity" – but read much faster from the start.

  • Preview

    Previewing is in itself a very simple and obvious technique. Nevertheless, it is often forgotten, implemented only superficially or with a "guilty conscience".

  • Paragraphing

    The strategy as such is simple – it only depends on the fact that you "dare" to implement it.

Free live refresher courses

Also take advantage of our refresher events for tips and support from our expert trainers and lively exchange in the group – free of charge for all former Improved Reading participants. Most of our refreshers are in German, but once in a while we offer an English one as well (have a look below). If you understand some German you may still participate in a German-language event and inform us in advance (you could ask your questions in English and the trainer might address you in English as well). 
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